Sunday, November 21, 2010

Etsy Rules!

This is my official apology for lack lack of posts in the coming weeks. Finals week in approaching and the work I have been putting off for eight weeks is piling up. Just know that the genius posts will be coming after December 9th when that last final is turned in!

That said, I am still finding time to compile shopping carts full of all the things I need to own and dream to afford. Since I just moved out for the first time in September, I have embarked on the never ending journey of finding stuff to decorate every possible square inch my tiny 10'x10' room in Westwood. I always turn to Etsy to find cool decor for my room/body and I inevitably find way more than I was looking for. Basically, I have compiled a list of six things I absolutely need in my life from some of my favorite Etsy shops.

1) I am constantly looking for wall art and fell in love with this print from Inaluxe.

My room is decorated pretty minimally because it is such a small space and I didn't want any sort of clutter. Since all my furniture is mostly white and light wood these colors would add a necessary amount of pizazz ($35).

Check it out here.

2) This desk clock by Vector Cloud would be so perfect for my bedside table and it has a clear back with a slot for loose change... genius.

I would buy this clock strictly based on looks but it is also eco friendly... I guess that's cool too ($59).

Check it out here.

3) I have been looking for a laptop case that is cool and practical for probably three years and I think my search is over! This one is by rib & hull.

I cannot even express how bad I have needed a case to bring my laptop to class with me. I have put up with a bulky awkward fitting shoulder bag for a while now so when I saw this one it was pretty much magic ($60).

Check it out here.

4) I have seen a ton of people wearing turquoise lately and I was never super into it until I saw this bad boy by Dollybird Design.

I love how huge this ring is and as a self-proclaimed minimalist I'm always looking for one piece of jewelry that will get the job done ($165).

Check it out here.

5) This Laura Lombardi necklace is so simple and awesome I can picture it going with almost every outfit I have up my sleeve.

My wardrobe mostly consists of black with splashes of gray now and then so I think this will help to break up the monotony a little bit ($46).

Check it out here.

6) I am very particular when it comes to leather bags and this one by Opelle Creative isn't full of unnecessary buckles and hardware which I love.

This shop has a lot of really cute clutches and other shoulder bags but I liked this one for its size and simple but not boring quality ($238).

Check it out here.

1 comment:

  1. That bag would be perfect for you! Leaving for California tomorrow. Wish I could see you.

